Legal Information 

The Notary: A Legal Adviser

Of Latin origin, the notarial profession has existed in Quebec since the French Civil Law took root here, giving this province a unique place in the North American legal world. The practice of the profession is managed by the Chambre des notaires du Québec, a professional order governed by the Professional Code. More…

The Purchase & Sale of a Property

The purchase or sale of an immovable property is not to be taken lightly. It is a serious act full of consequences. The notary is the acknowledged expert in the law of immovables. Do not hesitate to consult your notary before signing any document for the purchase or sale of an immovable. More…

The Will

No matter how little or how much property you may own, you want to be sure that it is distributed to the right people after your death. It would be very comforting to know that at the time your loved ones are mourning your death, you will have done everything in your power to avoid problems. More…

The Family Patrimony

On July 1st, 1989, the provisions of the law instituting the family patrimony came into force. The purpose of this legislation was to favour economic equality between spouses and to put an end to the injustices of which the poorer spouse could sometimes be the victim especially where the spouses had chosen the matrimonial regime of separation as to property. More…

The Mandate in Case of Incapacity

The prospect of losing the ability to decide for oneself is not a pleasant one. Yet, none of us can be sure of being spared a serious accident or disease which might deprive us of our mental faculties. If such an unfortunate event occurred, who would look after you and your property or assets? More…

The Settlement of a Succession

Since the coming into force of the new Civil Code of Québec, the settlement of a succession has become, more than ever, a delicate and complex matter. The law provides for the transmission of the rights of a deceased person to his heirs and imposes precise rules for liquidation of the succession. More…

De Facto Marriage

Customs change. Nowadays, many couples decide to live together without getting married. Uncertain as to choice of partner, disillusioned by a previous marriage, or simply unwilling to make a commitment, an increasing number of unmarried couples are living together. If you are among them, you may be wondering about the legal aspects of your situation. More…

Matrimonial Regimes

Whether a wedding is civil or religious, certain requirements relating to age, capacity, matrimonial status, blood ties, the officiating minister or official, and the publication of certain notices must be met. Both spouses, necessarily a man and a woman, have the same rights and obligations More…

Right of Ways and Other Servitudes

One question that I am often asked in the context of my legal practice is whether one can acquire a right of way (servitude) on a neighbour’s property after 10 or 30 years of use. More…