Our Team


About My Practice

Mtre Geneviève Parent’s practice is located in the heart of Wakefield, in the Municipality of La Pêche. It is a picturesque touristic village located on the shore of the Gatineau River, minutes from Canada’s National Capital. Established since 1990, Mtre Geneviève Parent’s practice has naturally evolved toward real estate law with its specific complexities related to life in a rural context and the presence of agricultural protected lands. The field of succession law is also one of her specialties.


Mtre Geneviève Parent, notary, LL.L., D.D.N., obtained her law degree from the University of Ottawa in 1986. She was then called to the Québec Bar in 1987 and worked with the Federal government for two years. In 1990, she earned a degree in notarial law with magna cum laude honours from the University of Ottawa. She became a notary with the Chambre des notaires du Québec in 1990. After practicing as a partner in a Hull and Gatineau practice for several years, while working part-time in Wakefield, she started a full time practice there in 2001. For the past few years, she added to her academic background several specific courses in the fields of real estate and succession law. Mtre Geneviève Parent works as president of the board of l’Association des notaires de l’Outaouais and has been an active member on the boards of various non-profit organizations.

She was awarded the order of “Mérite Notarial” by the Chambre des Notaires du Québec for the exceptional quality of her practice and her involvement within the profession.


Mtre Vanessa Liboiron, notary (LL.B., LL.M.)

Mtre Vanessa Liboiron, notary, LL.B., LL.M., started her carrer path by completing a degree in paralegal technology at the College Ahuntsic in 2011. She pursued her education at Laval University, where she obtained her bachelor degree in civil law in 2014. Afterwards, she obtained her master degree in notarial law at University of Montreal in 2016. After completing her internship in Gatineau, she became a notary in 2016. Throughout her university studies, she worked as a paralegal in a notary’s office where she gained experience in notarial law. In October 2016, she joined the team of Mtre Geneviève Parent, notary. Her efficiency, diligence and commitment to customer services make her an asset to our office.


Catherine Houde, legal assistant (LL.L., D.D.N.)

Catherine Houde obtained her degree in civil law from the University of Ottawa in 2012. She also earned her degree in notarial law from the University of Sherbrooke in 2014. She joined the team of Geneviève Parent, notary, as a legal assistant, in October 2016, permitting her to evolve in a warm and dynamic environment. She contributes in the realization of various files, such as real estate, successions, as well as wills and protective mandates. Her formation permit her to offer a professional and personalized service to our customers. We are proud to have her in our team.